Saturday, September 26, 2009

week 6's Journal test



This is the weak pose for VIZZINI. He is sitting on a chair. He is very upset at moment because he lose the flight with MAN IN BLACK. The girl has been saved and he has been defeated. He is sitting on the chair and memorize the pass. He does not want be to disturb or attention so he puts his hand in front of his face. He does not want any other people to see him upset like this. Another hand is on his leg which means he is even not strong enough to square his shoulders wne he is sitting.

This is a upturned camera view for the VIZZINI weak pose. As we can see in the pic, his facial expression is pretty upset now which means he is very useless at the moment. He can not believe that he actually lose the flight. The raason why I use the upturned camera is becasue I think this is a very good angle to descibe the upset or weak emotion. And this could also give a clear view on character's face.

This is another two camera angle for the VIZZINI weak pose. I think these two could also describe the atmosphere well. In a pretty dark background, one man was sitting on a chair and
stoop down. Of course he is upset and weak. He is cop out on the thing he just done. This man is in pain.


MAN IN BLACK is sitting on the ground and thinking why he lose the flight with VIZINNI( Of course it is a opposite finish in the actual animation). He could not save the girl's life and he is think it is because he is not strong enough to do it. He is very weak at the moment. He uses one hand to hold his chin because he thinks if he is not doing this his hand will definitely fall down. He does not have any expression on his face. The camera angle for this one is frontal is because I want to show everything in the same time such as his motion and emotion.

This pose could the action right after the first pose. In the first pic, he is thinking. And this is the next motion after thinking. He is despairing and repentant. He feels very weak about why he doesnt win the flight and save the girl. He could not rasie his head and face the truth.

In this pic, MAN IN BLACK is still sitting on the ground but he is nearly lying on the ground and he is using his hands to brace himself. I think this is a pretty appropriate weak pose for a man because man usualy has strong sense of self-respect. They want to pretend they are OK when they are very weak. However, everyone knows that this man is upset and there is nothing in his mind now. This man in in pain as well.


This is the weak pose for BUTTERFRY. I decide to desgin sitting pose for all of the character in the weak pose. I think when people are upset they tend to sit down and have a break for themselves. And girls are more likely to relieve the upset or weak emotion by telling to their friends. So in these pics, BUTTERFRY is actually talking to someone. She is sitting on the ground using her own hands to enclosure herself in order to feel some warmth.

In this pic, BUTTERFRY is tell with her friend when is she being so weak. Her facial expression has tell everyone that she is really in pain. And she is still enclosuring herself with the hands. She think it is pretty helpful for her to relieve the bad emotion.

It is the same action as the previous ones. But the difference is this time she is completely crouch her head into her knees. It is clear to see that she is very sad and weak the moment. She needs some help.

After Effects Tutorial

This week I searched some after effects tutorial on the youtube. After effects is a very necessary softwave for me to learn if I want to create high quality animation. Through I get the very first ideas about how to use the softwave and how to put the render pics together and become a short film.

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